02 Feb

In an ideal world, everyone would have access to a well-equipped gym / fitness environment but this is just not possible for all. Some people work super long hours and just don’t have time to go to the gym when they get home, some can’t leave the house due to family commitments, some just can’t afford expensive gym memberships, some travel lots and aren’t in the same place regularly, some don’t have a gym close to them, some have a lack of transport and some just don’t like the gym environment. 

In these cases, working out at home (or in the garden) is a great option - with minimal kit, you can get a great full-body workout and none of the hassle and extra time needed for travelling to and from the gym. For time-poor people this can be key to getting workouts in when you also have a million other things to do and it can make or break a good fitness habit.

There are lots of free workouts available on You Tube but sometimes this can feel a little disjointed, they can also sometimes feel a little impersonal and can be a bit repetitive. A solution which is becoming more and more popular is to hire a PT who can train you from your home (or online via the internet) and who can give you workouts to do when you are both together. These will be programmed specifically for you and will help to not only keep you engaged but also push you to keep working harder each time. They will also be tailored specifically towards you and your own goals, experience and situation rather than being generic and applicable to anyone.

I offer home-based workouts for people who want a training programme but either can't leave the house much due to family / work commitments, can't afford to pay for Personal Training, already train elsewhere part of the week or maybe work away a lot and want to have workouts to do while they are away.

I use an online programme called True Coach for these workouts which is very simple to use and also explains every movement so it is clear what the workout consists of. 

I also offer a virtual / online PT service where I PT clients via Zoom or Skype so my clients can have a 121 session with me wherever they are in the world. These sessions are more cost-effective than in person ones but are great for motivation, accountability and also allow me to check client progress, form, make changes throughout the session and give lots of encouragement! For more information, please click here:

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